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The Eye Problems That you really should not Ignore

by Eric Gathoni

The Eye Problems That you really should not Ignore

Serious eye infections are frequently painless. Here are some red flags that should not be overlooked. Glaucoma, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, wet age-related macular degeneration and other eye problems can cause severe damage to your eyes – even complete and permanent blindness if not detected and treated early by your eye specialist. It's critical to understand the signs and symptoms of these significant eye problems and go for an Optician checkup so you can notify your eye doctor right away if you notice them.

Vision becomes fuzzy or distorted all of a sudden

Vision becomes fuzzy

This could be the most noticeable symptom for people.

Consult your eye doctor right away if you notice sudden blurriness or distortion in your vision, such as a straight line that appears wavy.

Sudden blurred vision can damage your peripheral or central vision, and it can be a sign of a variety of dangerous eye disorders.

In order to avoid permanent whole or partial blindness, certain of these disorders require rapid attention from an Optician vision test.

Swelling of the eyelids or the area around the eye

Swelling of the eyelids

Swelling and discolouration of the eye can be caused by inflammation and irritation of the eyelids and surrounding tissues.

Swelling around the eyes can be caused by a mild to life-threatening allergic reaction to bug bites, pollen, animal dander, or other allergens and irritants in the environment, or by trauma on any portion of the cranial cavity. 

When the damaged area heals or the allergens causing the swelling are removed, the swelling usually goes down.



Depending on what's causing the headache, it can feel different. A dull aching or acute pain can be felt behind the eyes or even in the temples.

Headaches might last for hours or days, or they can come and go rapidly.

Over-the-counter drugs can be quite beneficial if there are no major underlying concerns.

Eyes that are bright red

When the blood vessels in your eyes get irritated or inflamed referred to as itchy eyes, they expand, turning the white regions of your eyes pink or red. Allergies, smoking, and toxins in the air around you can all contribute to this condition.

If you detect red eyes suddenly, you may have an eye ailment that can lead to long-term eye damage and possibly blindness in severe situations.

Light hypersensitivity

Light hypersensitivity

Our eyes are designed to deal with different levels of light.

However, photophobia, or light sensitivity, occurs when the eye has been unable to cope with the quantity of incoming light.

Some moderate photophobia is typical, such as when you step outside after seeing a movie in the theatre or when you first wake up to sunlight in your room in the morning.

Severe photophobia that persists, on the other hand, could be an indication of something more serious.



Floaters are the small lines, dots, specks, and webs that appear to float around in your vision, particularly when staring at plain or blank items like a white wall or a blank computer screen.

If you have a rapid start of floaters, or if you have more floaters than usual, you should see your eye doctor very once.

Blindness at night

The eye is normally well-equipped to deal with low-light circumstances. The pupil will dilate to take in as much light as possible, letting humans see in dimly lit situations.

Some significant eye diseases impair the eye's capacity to take in or process light, making it difficult to see at night or in dimly lit areas. Night blindness can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Nystagmus\sGlaucoma\sCataracts
  • Pigmentosa retinitis

One can use night vision glasses to prevent this.

Sudden Flashes

Sudden flashes of vision are prevalent as you become older, as they are caused by vitreous fluid straining or pushing on the retina at the back of your eye.

Lights that look like lightning bolts, flashing bulbs, or bright stars could be the first indicator of an injury or other eye issue.

Seeing these after a head injury or trauma is a concerning indicator.

Flashes can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Migraine
  2. Retinal detachment
  3. Retina tear
  4. Complications following surgery

It's critical to understand the signs and symptoms of significant eye diseases so you can notify your eye doctor right away if you notice them.

Serious eye diseases that are treated early on may be able to restore your eyesight and provide you with years of good eye health.