A Guide to Contact Lenses: Uses, Benefits and Types

You cannot ignore having a good pair of contact lenses, if you are serious about your eye care routine. Poor eyesight is common with more than two billion people around the world suffering from near or distant vision problems. A unique solution, that is also comfortable, would be to buy a pair of contact lenses that blends convenience and aesthetics at a reasonable price. Additionally, if you are looking to make a style statement or create a long-lasting impression on your first date, try out contacts that will add a rollicking look to your personality.
Contacts Instill More Comfort
You do not use contacts to look fashionable alone. If you are regular in sports, contacts serve best as they sit comfortably on your eyes sans the discomfort of sweat and dirt obstructing your vision. High-quality contact lenses can be a great addition to your visual health material as many optometrists recommend this to improve poor vision. Also, the possibility of peripheral vision being obstructed is zero as contacts are placed lightly directly on the eyes, thus, enabling you to view the front and the sides with equal ease. More people are gradually gravitating towards using contact lenses owing to their mass appeal, especially, among professionals and athletes who prefer a visual aid, with an inherent sense of balance.
Visual aids in today’s markets are galore with every piece scoring over each other in comfort, price, and style. However, nothing beats the feeling of having contacts that are closer to your eyes and support you with a clear vision. No matter what stage of your life you are in, we recommend contacts as your lifelong partner that will support you with unparalleled visual accuracy.
Contact Lenses versus Eyeglasses

The number of people wearing glasses is quite likely like people preferring contacts to correct their vision. Comparing glasses with contacts is a farce as both come with their set of benefits and disadvantages. A layman often finds it difficult to choose one over the other as both are great options though many people using contact lenses swear by the comfort and ease with which they blend with any style and outfit, be it modern or traditional.
For your reference, below is a list that enumerates both the pros and cons of both contacts and eyeglasses:
Pros of wearing contact lenses

- Instead of balancing flatly on your nose, contacts fit in according to the shape of your eyes, thus, lending a wider view with relatively lesser distortions than other eyewear pieces.
- There is no risk of falling while practicing sports or during exercise.
- Your style quotient remains intact as contacts fitted within the curvature of your eyes do not interfere with anything exterior.
- You need not worry about sweat getting into your contacts during summer or obstruct vision due to fogging during winters.
- If you love a special eye color, you can always opt for colored lenses. For festivals like Halloween, you can try out contacts to match your attire.
One thing that few people know is that contact lenses modify the shape of your cornea while you sleep. This is a technique prescribed by many optometrists who advise how contacts can temporarily relieve you from myopia, thus, allowing you to see clearly without contacts or glasses the next day.
Cons of wearing contact lenses
- Applying contacts initially can be troublesome unless you know the right technique to place them just above your eyes.
- The wrong choice of contacts can obstruct the flow of oxygen into your eyes causing dry eye syndrome.
- If you are working at a laptop or computer wearing contacts all day, chances are that you will show signs of computer vision syndrome.
- Contacts must be kept immaculately clean to avoid possible eye infections. However, if you do not have the time to commit yourself to regular care and cleaning of your contacts, you might as well consider buying daily disposables.
- Not taking off your contacts before going to sleep or wearing contacts all day without ever taking them off may turn your eyes dry, red, and irritable. The comfort of wearing contacts may cause you to forget their presence and you may find yourself waking up from your sleep with your contact lenses still in your eyes.
With fashionable and trendy eyeglasses in vogue, do not be surprised if your friend prefers them over wearing contacts. Sometimes misconceptions about contacts cause them to wear glasses for better vision.
Pros of Wearing Eyeglasses
- If you have the habit of constantly rubbing your eyes, wearing eyeglasses will reduce that considerably.
- If you have a dry eye problem, opt for glasses instead.
- Price is a factor that you cannot afford to ignore, especially in these pandemic times when income is restricted or is spent more on paying hospital bills. Eyeglasses are cheaper than contacts, which is why more people prefer them.
- Eyeglasses frames are trendier now with each pair available in a different color and design. Just choose a tone and design that suits your style and personality and get ready to rock the world.
- Eyeglasses will protect you from dirt and dust due to heavy winds and storms.
Cons of Wearing Eyeglasses
- Eyeglasses sit at least 12 mm away from your eyes, thus, distorting your peripheral vision. Also, some people may complain of difficulty in seeing or focusing on objects or suffering from headaches due to blurry vision.
- You may harbor a misconception that you do not look in glasses or that the glass wall may be appealing to your sharp facial features or distort your looks.
- Depending on the power of the lens that you have been recommended, you may have to wear thick eyeglasses. These glasses may make you look appealing as your eyes would look unusually smaller or bigger than they are.
- Glasses tend to get dirty or foggy depending on the weather and distort your vision during extreme weather conditions.
- A lot depends on the frame that you choose. Wearing a heavy frame continuously may cause you to suffer from headaches or feel uncomfortable.
The debate regarding choosing contacts and eyeglasses is old and has been raging between contact lenses lovers and those preferring glasses due to money constraints or ease of use. Thanks to huge strides in contact lenses technology, more people now prefer contacts over glasses as their primary mode to correct vision.
Benefits of Wearing Contact Lenses

Eye specialists recommending primary techniques to improve and restore vision advise contacts to their patients owing to their myriad benefits. Some of them include:
- Better viewing ease due to wider visual access
- Increased eye comfort
- Better visual accuracy
- Reduced distortions in vision
- Greater sense of normalcy
- Visually appealing
- Ideally suited for sports
- All-weather usage
Types of Contact Lenses

You should be aware of the types of contact lenses available in the market to choose the one ideally suited to your needs. While you may choose from the wide variety of contacts ready for use, choose the one backed by your doctor’s prescription.
- Soft contact lenses to correct blurred vision due to unequal corneal curvature
- Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses for the sharpest vision
- Extended Wear contact lenses for continued wear during the day
- Disposable (Replacement Schedule) contact lenses for those not bothered about lens care and solutions
Other than the aforementioned contacts commonly available for use by all, you can opt for specialized types of contact lenses too. These include:
- Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
- Decorative (Plano) contact lenses
Also, there are bifocal or multifocal contacts too for people suffering from presbyopia. If you are uncomfortable with the Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses despite the enhanced visual acuity that they offer, you may ask for a pair of hybrid lens that has a hard GP center for clarity surrounded by soft lens material for greater eye comfort.
Factors to Consider while Buying Lenses
Which contacts would suit you most is a question that you must ask yourself, before deciding to buy one. Apart from the comfort and convenience synonymous with the use of contact lenses, there are other factors that you must consider before choosing the right pair for your needs.
Types of contacts available:
Know in detail the types of contacts that one can use along with benefits and disadvantages pursuant to each type. You may choose from the soft contacts that are moist that can be further classified into four separate categories including:
- Spherical (regular) contact lenses
- Contacts to treat astigmatism
- Contacts for presbyopia
- Color contacts for exceptional use.
The rigid gas permeable contact lenses are made from hard plastic and are preferred to correct vision problems. Apart from the sharp and clear vision that these lenses are advised for, some people also prefer them for their durable and long-lasting nature.
Wear and replacement nature:
Whether you want them for daily wear or looking to use them for an extended period matters. This will help you to choose from among lenses recommended for regular or infrequent use. Learn about their replacement schedules to decide how long you must continue wearing them. While daily soft wear contacts can be worn only for a day post which they must be disposed of, other lenses can be worn for a day after which they must be cleaned and disinfected for the night. Soft lenses must be replaced after a fixed period as opposed to their rigid counterparts that can be used for a prolonged period with regular maintenance. -
Eye conditions:
Poor eye conditions may prompt you to wear contacts to correct your vision. However, seek advice from your regular practitioner as not all eye types may be suited to wearing lenses. Besides the refraction errors details, seek a prescription regarding your eye condition to choose the best lenses for your eyes.
While there may be myriad contacts options available for your eyes or factors to consider before choosing your lenses, avoid using them if you are suffering from allergies or lubrication problems in your eyes. Many people are prone to eye allergies, which may be another reason to avoid them or prefer glasses over them. If your occupation makes you prone to large quantities of dust, avoid wearing contacts altogether.
Choose the Best Lenses for Your Eyes
Your eyes are the windows to the world, which is why you must take extra care of them. Being the most sensitive and vulnerable among all your body parts, eyes require extra caution and constant precautionary measures. The convenience of wearing contact lenses along with their effectiveness to treat vision problems makes them a favorite among today’s generation that loves to blend ease and comfort with style and panache.
Nothing less than perfect will suit you, and that is why we at Optica offer all kinds of contact lenses suitable for all your needs. Before you even propose, we have at your disposal lenses that can be worn daily, monthly, or on special occasions. Our contact lens solutions are much envied and inquired by all. To know more about how we can be a one-stop solution to all your contact lenses needs, you may directly check our website https://optica.africa/collections/contact-lenses for the smart and varied contacts collection that we are known for. You may call our eye care experts at 0709-709-000 to book an eye test or details regarding any special types of lenses you may be looking for.
No matter what lenses you choose, do not forget to consult your optometrist to schedule an eye exam and discuss possible lenses options. Remember, the health of your eyes matters, and so you must choose wisely. Do not get carried away by what your friends say, rather listen to your optometrist carefully before choosing the right pair of contacts for your eyes. While you may be initially inclined to a particular kind of contact lenses, trial and experience with these lenses may prompt you to choose otherwise. Depending on your choice of lenses, changes can be made to them, or alternative solutions suggested for your visual attendance.